Entry Into The Drop

Each ticket costs $1 USDC + a small admin fee.

Upon purchase, funds are converted to USDC and transferred to an escrow contract, a ticket is deposited in your wallet balance ready to be redeemed for play. Upon committing your ticket to an entry for The Drop, the ticket is burned and the correlating $1 USDC is transferred from escrow to the non-custodial contract pertaining to the particular instance of The Drop you have chosen to enter. An internal ledger within the smart contract tracks entries into each instance of The Drop for each player.

To ensure that our standards of fairness for players are met, hard limits on how many tickets a single wallet may play in a single instance of The Drop will be in place to prevent arbitrageurs and exploiters from gaming the system and unbalancing the odds to the detriment of other players. These limits will be based off of a percentage of total regular entries possible into the pertaining instance of The Drop.

Last updated